Having an accountability partner

02nd Sep 2023

2 mins read

Who is an accountability partner?
A person who helps you to take charge and keep your commitments. Thus can be your spouse, friend, collegue - someone capable of holding you accountable. 

Importance of having an accountability partner.
To get support and advice.
To enable you work on your commitments because at the end of the day you have to answer to them.
They help you set reasonable and achievable goals.
They congratulate you on your milestones. 

Do's for an accountability partner
1.Keep a fixed time either daily or weekly to check in with your partner.
2. Motivate them.
3. Advice them on setting reasonable goals.
4. Push them to achieve their goals.
5. Where they fail, help them find a solution.
6. Listen attentively. 

1. Show a sense of discouragement when your partner hasn't achieved their goal.
2. Talk much about your goals and achievements disregarding your own partner achievements and goals.
3. Take their failures as something to laugh about.
4. Waste their time by missing your check-ins.
5.Mislead them.

How to make an accountability work(sourced from google)
• Think twice before picking a friend.
• Give them permission to push you. 
• Create a plan and set reasonable goals.
• Review progress daily or weekly.
• Be honest - to yourself and your partner.
• Choose someone working on the same or similar goal.
• If your partner starts to disappear or misses a scheduled time more than once – politely end the partnership.

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